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Larger-Than-Life LEGO: A Destination Wishlist for any LEGO Fan

LEGO events and exhibitions have gained immense popularity worldwide, attracting thousands of LEGO enthusiasts of all ages. These events not only showcase incredible LEGO creations but also provide a platform for LEGO enthusiasts to connect, learn, and collaborate. Here’s a list of some known events.
Lego BrickCon, Seattle, USA

For LEGO enthusiasts, the world is a canvas of colorful bricks waiting to be explored. Can you imagine what happens when people with shared passions come together? It’s a riot of colors, imagination, and innovation. That’s exactly what LEGO-inspired events and exhibitions in different parts of the world are like. From colossal sculptures to intricate dioramas, it is just awe-inspiring to see what a few bricks and creativity can create every time the global LEGO community gathers.

In this blog, we’ll take you on a whirlwind tour of some of the most thrilling LEGO gatherings and displays, sure to ignite the imagination of any LEGO fan.

LEGO House (Denmark)

When it comes to LEGO, you have to start with its motherland. Located in Billund, Denmark, where it was first created 90 years ago, the home of the brick is a must-visit for fans of all ages. The 129,166-square-foot building, built like 21 giant LEGO bricks that are latched onto each other, is designed to replicate an actual LEGO build. Divided into various zones, the LEGO House is both a museum and an experience center and is filled with over 25 million LEGO bricks. Check out “The Tree of Creativity’, a 15-meter-high tree and one of the largest LEGO builds ever constructed. Made with 6,316,611 standard LEGO bricks, it took about 24,350 hours to assemble this wonder.

LEGO House, Denmark
Image Source: Tripadvisor

BrickCon (Seattle, USA)

Talking about events, BrickCon tops the list as the longest-running LEGO fan exhibition in the United States. Located in the heart of the Pacific Northwest, BrickCon is an annual gathering that attracts LEGO enthusiasts from all over the world. This event hosts workshops, presentations, and collaborative building activities. Every year, the event welcomes over 450 convention attendees, and around 10,000 members of the public come through to see everything over the course of the weekend. The BrickCon 2023 event, held from September 7 to 10, featured about 800 original LEGO models.

Lego BrickCon, Seattle, USA
Image Source: Brickcon.org

BrickLive (Various Locations)

BrickLive is a global phenomenon that hosts events in major cities across the globe. These exhibitions feature massive LEGO sculptures, interactive zones, and play areas for all ages. From life-sized dinosaurs to famous landmarks, BrickLive showcases the limitless potential of LEGO bricks. The event gathers up to 3,000,000 LEGO bricks to create the biggest playroom in that city. This year, the tour went to the Detroit Zoo, where the Supersized Giant Centipede, the Assassin Bug, the Red Spitting Cobra, dolphins, penguins, and gorillas were on display for a period of six months.

BrickLive: Various Locations
Image Source: Littleguidedetroit.com

BrickCan (Vancouver, Canada)

Another unique LEGO event is BrickCan, held in Vancouver, Canada. BrickCan is the largest public exhibition of LEGO creations in Western Canada and features incredible displays from LEGO builders near and far. What sets BrickCan apart is its focus on community involvement. The event encourages local schools, organizations, and individuals to contribute their own LEGO creations, creating a truly collaborative and inclusive exhibition.

BrickCan, Vancouver, Canada
Image Source: Brickcan.com

Bricks in Florence (Italy) 

Steeped in history and art, Florence provides a unique backdrop for the Bricks in Florence event. This exhibition brings together LEGO enthusiasts from all over Europe to showcase their stunning creations against the backdrop of Renaissance splendor. It’s an enchanting blend of old-world charm and modern creativity. The 2023 edition will take place on the 18th and 19th of November at the Tuscany Hall Theater in Florence, one of its most famous theaters.

Bricks in Florence, Italy
Image Source: Bricknerd.com

Brickfest (Japan)

Japan Brickfest is Japan’s largest international fan-built LEGO event and an official LEGO Hub event since 2017. This is an exhibition of LEGO brick-built models, with more than 270 LEGO fan builders from all over the world gathering to show off their creations. This year, the event was held from June 10–11 at the Canadian Academy on Rokko Island, Kobe, Japan.

Brickfest, Japan
Image Source: Bricknerd.com

These LEGO events and exhibitions are more than just gatherings; they’re celebrations of creativity, imagination, and the boundless possibilities of LEGO bricks. With each passing year, these events become bigger, more creative, and more inclusive.

Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a budding enthusiast, attending these events is a chance to connect with a global community that shares your passion for building.
